A Guest Blog by Lauren McGowan
Some people might underestimate the true beauty that Cerebral Palsy has to offer. Cerebral Palsy may be the result of a birth injury happening before, during or after the birthing process; a matter of oxygen not arriving at the brain quickly enough until it was too late, causing damage that can never be repaired.
Victims will have to compensate and learn basic things that most people master without trying. The extensive learning process will follow them throughout their whole lives resulting in some ongoing frustrations. A person will have to develop a great deal of patience and tolerance to live a normal life style Cerebral Palsy is a condition in which messages simply are not getting to the brain quickly enough.
Cerebral Palsy is a condition, not a disease. A condition that doesn’t worsen over time, only improves with hard work and determination. Determination goes a long way with this condition. For individuals with this condition, physical therapy helps tremendously.
Physical therapy involves strengthening muscles and providing room for growth and development. Growth and development is powerful. It will take the individual a long way. Some people will argue that physical therapy is not a long term solution for people who suffer from Cerebral Palsy. Well, if you had a condition that never went away, you would want something that reduces the tension in the muscles.
People with Cerebral Palsy will sometimes feel discouraged because the world around them doesn’t fully understand at times, but that feeling can truly inspire them. In the long run, inspiration is all someone really needs. Inspiration will lead a person with this condition to many different places. Places that they never even dreamed of going if the oxygen flowed though the brain on the first day of life. Yes, people that come into the world through unlucky circumstances are in fact very lucky in a hidden way.
About the Author
Lauren McGowan is a resident at Beechwood Neurorehab. She enjoys writing, Facebook, going to the mall, spending time with her family and friends and living life to the fullest. Lauren recently self-published the book In Kayla’s World, She’s Never Afraid To Afraid To Have Big Dreams, a tribute to her late best friend Kayla Jo Young.