We provide high quality floral arrangements and handmade gifts to meet your every need!
The Yellow Daffodil Flower and Gift Shop is a social enterprise that employs people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), emotional and behavioral concerns, cerebral palsy, and other physical, developmental and intellectual disabilities. We can provide flower arrangements for events big and small as well as unique gifts. In our two shops, Yellow Daffodil at Woods and Yellow Daffodil at Pine Watson, you will find various hand-crafted items for your home as well as fresh flowers, greeting cards, soaps and lotions, handmade candles and much more.
The Yellow Daffodil shops provide individuals with disabilities with valuable work experience. The skills and interests of the individuals are matched with the needs of the store including inventory, design, online order fulfillment, sales, floral creation, plant care and cleaning.
Yellow Daffodil at Woods
11 Woods Drive
Langhorne, PA 19047
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Phone: (215) 750-4159
Email: yellowdaffodil@woods.org
Yellow Daffodil at Pine Watson
194 N. Pine Street
Langhorne, PA 19047
Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Closed Sunday and Monday
Phone: (215) 750-4159
Email: yellowdaffodil@woods.org
Woods’ operates four social enterprises – Woods Wear, Common Grounds Café, Yellow Daffodil Flower and Gift Shop and Beechtree Enterprises. A social enterprise is a business with a social mission. Our businesses provide individuals with opportunities to work in an integrated setting and gain skills, readying them for future employment opportunities in the community and increasing their independence.