Woods Services in Langhorne invites the community to join in making cards for veterans. On October 25, Tine Hansen-Turton, president and CEO of Woods Services, and Guy Triano, regional CEO, American Red Cross Southeastern Pennsylvania Region, announced the “Cards for Peace” card-making project, and Woods’ goal to create and collect 1,000 cards for veterans in the community by December 1. The American Red Cross will then distribute the cards created by Woods residents, staff, and community members at The Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers in Philadelphia and Coatesville, Pa., as well as multi-service resource agencies that provide housing for veterans, Cards will be delivered at Thanksgiving, during the holidays, and through Valentine’s Day.
For information on dropping off your cards at the Woods campus, call Cheryl Kauffman at (215) 750-4255. You can also mail them to us at:
P.O. Box 36
Langhorne, PA 19047-0036